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Nowadays, no one is questioning the hygiene standards that should be covered by facilities engaged in beauty improvement.Desinfection and sterilization in the cosmetic office is not only the necessary procedure for utrining the reputation of the plant and good opinion among customers, but also a requirement sanctioned by changes in the law.The new rules for the provision of cosmetic services impose on the salong workers who perform the sterilization of cosmetic tools the obligation to obtain special authorisations.
Type 2 simulation test for daily checking of the correct operation of steam sterilizers. - Disposable, ready-to-use test pack - Controls steam penetration, removal of air, non-condensable gases, excessive humidity, steam overheating - Chemical indicator placed between the barrier (sheets of...
What does this mean for beauty salon service providers? Isn't disinfection enough? Is it necessary to sterilize tools such as exccavalers, clippers, anvils, separators or ordinary scissors in the beauty salon? A modern beauty salon has no choice - asepsis is almost as important today as new trends in make-up or nail styling. Who knows if it is not even more important.
In the beauty salon, activities are performed that are not much different in terms of microbiology from medical procedures. They are also connected by tools that, despite the high quality of steel, are susceptible to depositing various microorganisms on them, which can easily spread and infect subsequent customers of the facility. Despite all the differences, both the beautician and the treatment room undergo a procedure in which there is contact with the skin and mucous membrane. In such a situation, disinfection of cosmetic instruments alone is not enough - they should be sterilized. Thanks to the sterilization of cosmetic instruments, it is possible to eliminate pathogens that, despite decontamination, can still remain on the surface of scissors or cuticle hooves. Most cosmetic tools remain in contact with the epidermis, mucous membrane and can even violate blood vessels. Therefore, concern for their sterility can not stop only at the stage of disinfection. Four elements are necessary for this:
Achieving full aseptics is a goal that all beauty salon bosses should strive for. In addition, it is worth not only the owner, but also employees who put away tools after finishing work, to do it with awareness of hygiene rules. Care for the aseptic nature of the tools should be accompanied by care for impeccable cleanliness and order in the entire beauty salon.
Unfortunately, it is not enough to believe that in order to permanently remove microorganisms on them, simple disinfection is enough. On the other hand, the disinfection and sterilization process begins with decontamination, i.e. pre-disinfection, washing and re-disinfecting of instruments. Only then can you think about sterilizing them. Do I need a special sterilizer for cosmetic instruments in the beauty salon? Ordering disinfection and sterilization of cosmetic instruments, they can be commissioned to an external entity having, in addition to permissions, access to a device that will ensure sterility of metal tools from the beauty salon. Clinics, laboratories and other medical entities that have an autoclave often provide sterilization services for companies using tools for non-medical purposes, such as tweezers, clippers, scissors, podological probes or cuticle hooves. However, it should be remembered that the delivery of cosmetic instruments for sterilization in the mode of external service requires compliance with established rules. After the disinfection of manicure or pedicure equipment is carried out, you need to put the tools in an airtight package and the described deliver to the site.
Beauty salons are increasingly buying their own cosmetic autoclave. Despite the relatively high price, it is worth considering this option to sterilize the tools yourself for safety and comfort of work (both for staff and customers). Learning to use modern equipment for sterilizing instruments is not too complicated and really consists in great meticulousness and responsibility for the absolute sterility of cosmetic equipment after the procedure. In the beauty salon, your own steam autoclave gives you more possibilities and a guarantee of regular sterilization of cosmetic instruments sensitive to contact with microbes. The effectiveness of the sterilization process is ensured by autoclave tests. The provision of services in a beauty salon requires expenditures from the company. If you invest in equipment, advanced beauty products or precise tools for care, manicure and pedicure, why not invest in a modern cosmetic sterilizer, thanks to which you can sterilize instruments yourself and which is no different from advanced and one hundred percent effective machines used in the medical industry?
Until recently, the average salon was equipped with a ball sterilizer. Unfortunately, despite the handiness and low price, this device was not able to provide asepticism. Sterilized tools are in contact with special balls, which in the event of contact with microorganisms destroyed them, but the final effect did not ensure full safety of the skin and mucous membranes when using cosmetic tools. Another type of equipment was a UV sterilizer, in which the biocidal process was to be provided by rays. However, these, spreading linearly, did not affect all single-celled organisms and viruses. In a word, when providing services in beauty salons, such tools for maintaining aseptics did not work. Despite the encouraging content of the ads, they turned out to be half-measures that did not ensure the fulfillment of the condition required even by Sanepid. When using them, we are not one hundred percent sure what we will be dealing with after decontamination and sterilization. Sterilization of cosmetic instruments should guarantee that the subject of hygiene in a specialist office will remain at the highest possible level. This can only provide us with the most effective solution, used so far in doctor's offices, dental offices and medical laboratories.
To use innovative solutions in the field of disinfection and sterilization by beauty salons, we are encouraged by the proposals of manufacturers of modern equipment for disinfection and sterilization of cosmetic instruments. Full, confirmed asepticity is obtained in them by means of water vapor, created by high temperature. Sterilization of cosmetic instruments is carried out inside a sealed autoclave, without access to air. Thanks to this, we can count on completely getting rid of single-celled organisms from the surface. After removing from the chamber of the device, close all tools in separate, sterile sterilization bags to maintain asepsis, not forgetting information about how long ago the whole process was carried out. Cosmetic instruments, as in the case of medical instruments, must be sterilized in a separate room, also maintained in a hygienic state. This is where all the equipment necessary for the sterilization process should be located. In addition to the autoclave, also a welding machine for sterilization sleeves. Devices recommended to managers and owners of beauty salons are handy and uncomplicated to use, they can also guarantee the current sterilization of such tools as:
All accessories (subjected to the process of disinfection and sterilization) necessary in such a company can be ready for reuse in a beauty salon in a really short time. Do not forget that sterilization must be preceded by other decontamination activities - washing and disinfection.
The provision of cosmetic services cannot be limited only to the performance of treatments, therefore the information that sterilization of cosmetic instruments is carried out in the facility will guarantee a greater reputation of the facility and encourage the constant use of the services of professionals. Most recognized manufacturers guarantee full service, training and the possibility of using the service - Warsaw and larger centers with an extensive network of beauty facilities already know many such places where sterilization of instruments has become a reason for a significant increase in the scope and number of treatments.
Choose the nearest time as the moment to take your beauty salon to the next level and take care of cosmetic tools and sterilizers that will ensure the comfort of your clients. Certainly, in addition to the artistry of performing cosmetic procedures, they will appreciate the care for their health and well-being.