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Ingrown toenail is one of the most common disease entities affecting toenails. It is characterized by the ingrowth of the nail plate into the skin of the nail shaft. It often coexists with inflammation and bacterial infection. Untreated ingrown toenail causes not only discomfort but also significant pain. The most common cause of ingrown toenails is considered to be their incorrect trimming, which can lead to the formation of sharp edges of the nail or the use of bad products to clip the toenails. This, in turn, promotes the occurrence of trauma to neighboring tissues, creating painful inflammation and leading to the formation of granulation. In this case, there are several possibilities, but the basic one is the procedure at the podiatrist.
You can fight with ingrown nailsat home and in the podiatrist's office. Even if you decide to treat yourself at home, you should be under the supervision of a specialist who will show you how to apply tamponade beforehand. In the podiatrist's office, in the case of major changes, you can expect that you will have to undergo the procedure of putting on specialized clasps. This is done during a special treatment, which is used to avoid ingrown nail. There are many possibilities, because when it becomes necessary to decide on such a procedure, the specialist will choose the best among various types of clasps, which should be selected according to the individual needs of the patient.
Another way is nail tamponade, which is used to prevent further ingrown nails. There are various methods available for ingrown toenails, such as special braces put by the podiatrist on the nail or nail tamponade.
The most popular, however, is the nail tamponade , because after the first tamponade treatment, the pain caused by the ingrown nail is significantly reduced. In addition, tamponade is an excellent way to maintain the hygiene of the place where the nail grows.
Although for many people this is an embarrassing topic, more and more patients are using the procedure of putting on a buckle or nail tamponade . Sometimes more invasive procedures are necessary, but this is an assessment in the privacy of the podiatric office. Most often, however, if the patient reports as soon as he feels unpleasant foot ailments, it is only necessary to put on a tamponade. Most clients are sensitive, which is why they often report for the treatment with small changes. Products used as a nail tamponade are also much more comfortable, and during the procedure the sensations are much more delicate than when putting on the nail buckle itself.
Most often it is also the case that putting on braces does not exclude tamponade, because thanks to it the nail heals much better.
Nail tamponade is a procedure consisting in inserting a fleece fiber dressing under the free edge of the nail, in the place of its ingrown ingrowth, in order to relieve and stretch the nail shaft. Tamponing is part of other methods of correction of ingrown nails. Nail tamponade is a way to get rid of the pain caused by its ingrowth. You can make it yourself at home, using products available at the pharmacy. Tamponade should be worn for a few days, but after this time you should go to the podiatrist for further treatment of the ingrown nail.
Tamponade, which can also be performed by the patient at home after prior instruction with a specialist podologist. Tamponade is the separation of the periungual shaft from the plate. Tamponade protects against mechanical damage to the shaft by an ingrown plate. The tamponade is placed in the space between the nail and the shaft. Use a soft, thin dressing material, such as fleece, cotton, specialist dressing or silicone tube. Some materials can be soaked with liquids, e.g. with an inflammation-relieving or disinfecting effect. Tamponade can also be used by a specialist at the time of the appearance of exudate. It will also be used in the case of too tight insert to the shaft, as a result of which there is a very small space between them. With the right materials, the space will gradually expand. Tamponade is also used as a supplement to orthonyxia, i.e. putting on clasps. Currently, there are various buckles available that can be adjusted to each nail.
Orthonyxia is a technique for correcting the nail plate, which aims to lift its edges and change the direction of growth. For this method, orthodox buckles are used, which are currently listed more than a dozen types.
The biggest advantage of the buckle is the almost immediate elimination of pain. Its additional advantages are non-invasiveness, thanks to which the patient can function freely without giving up everyday activity. The choice of buckle is an individual matter and depends on many factors. The main ones are the anatomy of the nail apparatus, the severity of inflammation and the age of the patient.
Ligasano bandage can be used to dress injured feet, toes with tight interdigital gaps. After sterilization, excellent as a tamponade when working with ingrown nails. It serves as a dressing and expansion tamponade . Its properties allow oxygenation of skin tissue, which accelerates granulation in the wound. It does not stick to the wound, perfectly absorbs moisture from wounds and, unlike other dressings, does not adhere to the affected skin. Ligasano bandage has healing properties and thanks to this, the health of damaged tissue improves very quickly. The bandage can be cut to any length and width.
Ligasano bandage also has antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it does not cause pressure and is very well suited as a relief for the feet, especially in the case of Hallux Valgus and after deep foot corn treatments, etc. It is also ideal in cases of hyperhidrosis of the feet, thanks to the ability to regulate temperature. Perfectly permeable to air for easy ventilation
After sterilization, the LIGASANO dressing is perfect as a tamponade for ingrown nails, because it effectively absorbs moisture from wounds and, unlike other dressings, does not adhere to damaged skin. It effectively oxygenates the tissue, cleanses and accelerates granulation, which significantly shortens the healing time. It works as an excellent relief for the feet, because it adapts to their shape, does not limit mobility, has a relaxing effect and provides good cushioning. The white LIGASANO top is also ideal for people who are prone to forming corns on their feet, as it acts as a shock absorber, protecting them from too much pressure.
It has a positive effect on the proper blood supply to the feet during long walks and hikes (pilgrimages and even mountain expeditions), and its unique structure and properties make LIGASANO absorbent and very well absorbs sweat from the sweat glands on the feet.
After sterilization, it is perfect as a tamponade for ingrown nails, absorbs moisture from wounds without sticking to them, like other dressings, oxygenates the tissue, cleanses and accelerates granulation.
As a perfect relief for the feet, it perfectly adapts to their shape, does not limit mobility, has a relaxing effect and provides good cushioning - white foam is LIGASANO ideal for people who are prone to forming corns on their feet, because it acts as a shock absorber!
It has a positive effect on the proper blood supply to the feet during long walks and hikes (pilgrimages and even mountain expeditions), and its unique structure and properties make theLIGASANOabsorbent and very well absorbs sweat from the sweat glands on the feet.
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